You’re Invited
Who: Anyone who will come
Are you weary from cares weighing down your soul? Do feelings of shame sabotage your joy? Are you tired of trying to change yourself, of wondering if your good is enough, of chasing fulfilment that’s just out of reach?
This invitation is for you.
Why: God’s heart is for you.
You are seen – just as you are. You are loved – without earning it or loving Him first. You are wanted – right now, God welcomes you close.
What: Come rest. Take His peace. Step into friendship with God.
To every person infected by sin, to all of us separated from God and destined for hell, Jesus offers a trade – He’ll erase our sin, cancel our punishment, and give us His life.
As God wearing humanity two thousand years ago, Jesus lived a perfect life so He could give sinners His perfection. Then He died a sinner’s death so He could take our sin and shame.
By accepting His sacrifice in our place and entrusting our lives to Him, we can have peace with God – no longer His enemies, but now His friends. And like ripples in a pond, this peace with God makes it possible to have peace with ourselves through the new identity He gives us, and peace with others as we learn to extend His grace to those around us.
This is the new life Jesus offers all who come to Him. More than “fire insurance” to keep us out of hell, this eternal life is life forever, starting now.
Real life, the one we were made for. Full of purpose as we find our story within His bigger story for humanity.
Full of peace as we rest in His favor toward us.
Full of joy as we see Him changing us in ways we could never change ourselves.
Full of satisfaction as we live relationally with the God who always welcomes us close.
When: Today and everyday
There’s nothing to fix and no need to change yourself – you’re invited to come to Him now.
While this good news opens the door to a relationship with God, it’s also the power of God for everyday Christian living. Every time we come face to face with our need, God reminds us that He is enough – His sacrifice was enough for all our sins, His power is enough to conquer any struggle, His love is enough to heal every broken place and fulfill every longing.
So whether you’re coming for the first time or the ten thousandth time, God invites you right now to draw near.
Where: Wherever you are
In a church or in a cubicle, in nature or in the middle of the city, God meets us right where we are.
R.S.V.P. No perfect prayers or magic words needed – God reads the language of your heart. Express your need. Confess your sin. Verbalize your faith and desire to be His.
May you experience the joy of knowing God intimately. May He be your dearest Friend, your steadfast Rock, and your greatest Joy. May He show you eternity in your everyday spaces and may you grow in peace as you walk with Him.
I’d love to hear about your journey with Him. Click here to get in touch!
To read what the Bible has to say about a relationship with God, check out these verses:
Matthew 11:28-30, Isaiah 53:6, Jeremiah 31:3, Hebrews 4:13-16, Romans 3:23, Romans 5:8, Romans 6:23, 2 Corinthians 5:21, John 15:15, 2 Corinthians 5:17-21, John 17:3, Romans 1:16 , 1 John 3:1, John 1:12-13