My Blog
6 Times Faith Deconstruction Really is a Good Thing
What is “faith deconstruction” and does it have a place in the Church? As someone who lived it before ever hearing the term, here’s why I think it’s important.
Finding God in the Wake of the Storm
In the wake of Hurricane Helene, I’ve experienced a jumble of emotions. Grief for my friends over what they’d lost. Relief that we hadn’t lost much. Guilt over feeling such relief. Shame for being sad and anxious when others had it worse. Gratitude for the hundreds of different ways our community banded together to show love.
As I processed all these feelings in prayer, I sensed God’s Spirit saying to mine–Look for what is constant and anchor yourself there.
Here are 4 qualities of God I’m holding onto as we recover from this storm.
5 Comforting Prayers for When Your Faith is Slipping
Why should I keep following God when he isn’t answering my prayers?
8 Ways to Pray for Our Kids
“Don’t blink,” they said. “She’ll be grown before you know it.”
And here we are, embarking on our little girl’s senior year.
Here’s what I’m praying for my daughter (and all of my kids) this year.
Will you join me in praying for the kids you love?
4 Myths About Gentleness
The Bible portrays gentleness in a more audacious way than we tend to assume.
Here are 4 myths I used to believe. Have you fallen for any of them?
Help! My Loved One is Deconstructing Their Faith!
How can you help someone whose faith is in pieces?
Here are four ways to support your loved one through faith deconstruction.
#faithdeconstruction #faithreconstruction #faithcrisis #dazzledbytheson
3 Ways Jesus Sees Parenting as Ministry
It’s easy to think ministry happens “out there” through people with seminary degrees and a profound sense of calling.
But what if Jesus views parenting as ministry? And if he does, what does the ministry of parenting look like?
How to Help Your Child Deal with Rejection
6 Ways You Can Help Your Child Deal with Rejection
8 Lifegiving Reminders for Christian Parents
Eight life-giving reminders that equip us to live well as Christian parents.
What’s So Good About the Gospel?
What really IS the gospel and who is it for? What if “life in heaven someday” is only part of the story?