3 Ways Jesus Sees Parenting as Ministry


Alleluia! Alleluia!

Photo by Karen Cann on Unsplash

As the words of our song reverberated through the Russian cathedral, the memory of those moments etched itself on my soul. Our mission team had come to tour the church. Inspired by the sanctuary’s beauty, we sang God’s praise from the balcony. Never had I heard more beautiful acoustics.

On our way out, a woman who worked in the cathedral spoke to our translator. With tears in her eyes, she explained how she’d prayed for years to hear God praised in another language. Who knew our spontaneous worship would be the answer to a fellow believer’s prayer?

Moments like this feel like ministry. Surrounded by beauty. Inspired by answered prayer. Serving in a country on the other side of the planet.

Parenting, on the other hand, can feel like anything but ministry. Surrounded by messes. Exhausted by relentless needs. Serving in the very real spaces we call home.

It’s easy to think ministry happens out there through people with seminary degrees and a profound sense of calling.

But what if Jesus views parenting as ministry? And if he does, what does the ministry of parenting look like?

To read the rest, hop over to Crosswalk:



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