God Drew Near


Knowing God – is it possible?

We Christians talk about it all the time. It’s the crux of our faith, of surpassingly great value, worth the loss of all earthly gain. It was the cry of Paul’s heart (Phil 3:10). It’s to be the source of our boasting (Jer 9:23).

And yet…it’s an enormous pursuit. How can we know Someone who extends endlessly beyond the limits of human knowledge? How can we understand the Creator of the human mind?


God never fits in my neat little boxes.

How can we define the God who never fits in our neat little “boxes”?

While it’s impossible to fully comprehend Him, He has made it possible to know Him.

The revelation of God is all around us. The heavens declare His glory and righteousness (Ps 97:6). His invisible attributes are made manifest in creation (Rom 1:20). But if His self-revelation had stopped there, we might draw the inaccurate conclusion that this all-powerful Creator is aloof, disinterested in the work of His hands.

And so, God drew near.

From the beginning, He has sought to be close to His creation. He walked with Adam and Eve in the Garden (Gen 3:8). He was friends with Abraham (Jas 2:23). He talked face to face with Moses (Deut 34:10). He dwelt among Israel through His presence in the tabernacle and temple.

And then, with unprecedented clarity, He stepped onto the earthly scene as One of us. He lived and breathed and talked and sang and cried and laughed. He taught and listened, grieved and celebrated, healed and forgave. He became human so that humanity might truly know Him.

In Jesus, we see the invisible God. He is Emmanuel – God with us.

He came to break down the wall that prevents our nearness with God. What Adam and Eve enjoyed before sin, He came to restore. Through His sacrifice on the cross, He paid the penalty for our sin. Through His resurrection, He made new life possible. Through faith in Him, we can once again be close to God..

It is this Jesus, our Emmanuel, who calls us friends (Jn 15:14-15). He invites us into ever deepening friendship with Him (Ps 25:14). He has given us complete and bold access to His presence (Heb 4:16).


God’s nearness is my good.

Nearness with God – it’s what we were made for. Are you experiencing it?

How have you seen “the nearness of God” as good in your life? In what ways have you experienced Him drawing you near?

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