Sometimes I hear voices in my head.
Not the audible, easy to recognize kind. No, the voices I hear are often so sneaky, so subtle, that I don’t even realize they’re speaking to me. Maybe you know some of them…
A few weeks ago, I caught myself listening to the voice of condemnation…I don’t think that girl likes me. I just don’t fit in. Maybe something is wrong with me. And like minions falling in behind their commander, my emotions quickly followed suit. I began to feel worthless and wretched. A sense of inadequacy enveloped me.
Then suddenly, a still small Voice cut through the noise, silencing all others. “I am pleased. You are Mine. You are walking by faith, and that’s what matters. People’s opinions do not define you.”
It was as if a sigh went through my whole being. Peace replaced restlessness. Acceptance banished condemnation. Confidence supplanted inadequacy.
It makes a difference whose voice you listen to.
Ours is a noisy culture. Always “connected,” we hear voices from a myriad of sources.
Sometimes they scream, from perfect Pinterest parties, to billboards peddling”beauty” for a price. And sometimes they whisper, like merciless memories of past regret. Often conflicting, insanely demanding, these voices can keep us running in circles as we strive to do their bidding.
But in the midst of it all, the Voice of truth invites us to come rest. To find our security and identity in the unchanging Rock that is Christ. To cease striving, and just know Him. To receive His love, His grace, His acceptance. To abide in the Vine and let Him produce His fruit. To fix our eyes on Jesus and tune our hearts to His voice.
He calls us to simple devotion and nearness with God.
Sometimes, I just have to unplug. To turn off the music. To postpone the “to do” list. And just. be. still.
Because there in the stillness, I learn to know His voice and trust His heart.
Whose voice are you listening to today? How do you distinguish between the Voice of God and other voices? What ways have you found to “tune in” to God and “tune out” other voices? Do tell!
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