We’re Free!


by Meredith Mills @DazzledByTheSon

It never ceases to move me – sometimes even to tears.


Standing for our national anthem

When I hear the familiar melody and well-known words, something deep within compels me to stand and place my right hand over my heart.

My eyes scan the surroundings for the colors that symbolize my freedom, then fix reverently on our nation’s flag.

Let freedom ring – from purple mountains to grain-laden prairies, from sea to shining sea. All across this land, liberty is cherished in the hearts of the American people. We sing of it, we exercise it, some even fight and die for it.

Because deep within, the human heart longs to be free.

But there is a freedom that goes deeper than national policies and the right to representation, a liberty of the soul that no tyranny can shackle. This freedom is the birthright of every child of God.

Like the Israelites who left Egypt’s bondage on the far side of the Nile, we Christians have been ransomed and given freedom through Christ’s sacrifice.


The chains of sin are broken!

Those sins that once controlled us – all our self-serving, self-seeking, self-indulging ways – they no longer have power over us. The Holy One became sin for us, and paid the price for our liberty.

And that Law that stood as both taskmaster over and witness against us? It served its purpose in showing our need for a Savior. It led us to Jesus, who kept the Law perfectly on our behalf. Now we have become righteous through faith in Him.

What does all this theology have to do with daily life?

  • It means I’m not defined by past or even present sin struggles.
  • It means I can experience freedom from sinful, destructive habits.
  • It means I’m free to rest in the favor of God and enjoy friendship with Him.
  • It means Christianity is all about Jesus – what He did, and what He is doing right now. This walk of faith is not centered on rules or disciplines or things I do. Rather, it revolves around a vibrant relationship with Jesus. It consists of staying close to Him and working in tandem as He produces His fruit in my life.

Dear child of God, fellow Jesus lover – we are free! Our political environment, economic situation, social status…these things can shift and change in a moment. But nothing can undo what Jesus has finished for us.


Free indeed!

“If the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed” (Jn 8:36).

“It is for freedom that Christ has set us free! Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery” (Gal 5:1).

“You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free” (Jn 8:32).

What does “freedom in Christ” look like in your daily life? What aspect of this freedom is most precious to you?

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Free to Be Me

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  1. paynefulponderings

    This is wonderful. Liberty through Christ is our only true freedom.

    • DazzledByTheSon

      Yes, true and lasting freedom! Thanks for commenting!

  2. Sandra Lovelace

    Freedom in Christ in my daily life looks like being able to speak the truth in love even if what I say doesn’t please the other person. My value is wrapped up in my Savior, not a popularity contest. Halellujah.

    • DazzledByTheSon

      Yes! Thank you, Sandra, for that practical word!


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