A Dose of Encouragement

Could you use some encouragement today?

I know I could. Sometimes my heart grows anxious. It’s easy to give way to fear, to let the “what if’s” take over. To look at our nation, our world, and feel as if things are spiraling out of control.

Yet, in the midst of turbulent times and an uncertain future, the words of the old hymn ring true in my heart – “When all around my soul gives way, He then is all my hope and stay. On Christ the Solid Rock I stand…” *


This Rock that is Jesus – He is secure and unchanging, a foundation that will never crumble. His love is everlasting. His truth still brings freedom. His justice is as sure as the rising sun. His faithfulness will never, ever cease. Come what may, God is good. God is with us. And God will complete His work in us.

This week I’ve been studying in Colossians. My heart thrills at the work of God on our behalf. Here are some highlights from chapter two:

  • God has revealed to us the mystery of Christ (v 2). Walking with God has always been by faith – from the opening chapters of Genesis (the promise of One who would crush the serpent), to the final words of Revelation (“come quickly, Lord Jesus!”). Yet the Object of our faith was a mystery until God made Him known. Oh, the riches of assurance and knowledge of Him!
  • God has firmly rooted us in Christ (v 7). It’s done, once and for all – by God, for us. Because we are rooted in Him, we can face the future with confidence. Nothing can uproot us from Christ!


  • God is building us up and establishing us in our faith (v 7). God is continuously, repeatedly working to strengthen us.
  • God has made us complete (v 10). As the fullness of God dwells in the Person of Christ, so we are completely filled with Christ. We lack nothing when we have Jesus.
  • God has circumcised our hearts (v 11). In Old Testament times, God commanded Israel to circumcise their hearts (Jer 4:4), but they were incapable of doing it themselves. However, He promised that one day, He Himself would complete this work. (“Then the Lord your God will circumcise your hearts and the hearts of your descendants, so that you may love Him…” Deut 30:6.) And now He has done it! (“Your whole self ruled by the flesh was put off when you were circumcised by Christ (Col 2:11b). What we are powerless to do on our own, God has done for us. The power of our old life is broken!
  • God has cancelled our certificate of condemnation, nailing it to the cross (v 14). All those sins that separated us from God, which served as evidence of our guilt – they are all gone! Not a single sin stands to condemn us. We are fully forgiven in Christ.
  • God brings about our spiritual growth (v 19). Fruit-bearing is God’s work (thus the term “fruit of the Spirit”). For most of my life, I believed I had to try hard to produce fruit as a Christian. In reality, I’m just the branch displaying the fruit made by the Vine as I abide in Him (Jn 15:1-11)!


My dear fellow Jesus-lover – be encouraged! Rest in hope. Speak truth to your soul.

Nothing can sever us from the God who works on our behalf – no politician, no tragedy, no loss, no disappointment. If He has done all this for us (and ever so much more), will He not continue to show Himself strong on our behalf? We He not daily support, strengthen, sustain, and supply?

May we overflow with gratitude, walk closely with Him, and keep our eyes fixed on Jesus.

“For the eyes of the Lord move to and fro throughout the earth that He may strongly support those whose heart is completely His…” 2 Chron 16:9a.

“I will make an everlasting covenant with them: I will never stop doing good to them…I will rejoice in doing them good…” Jer 32:40-41.

What kind of soul-talk brings peace to your heart? Is there a particular attribute of God that especially gives you hope?


Related Posts:

Fly Like an Eagle

When Fear Invades


*The Solid Rock, by Edward Mote


When the Day Looks Daunting

Does the day ahead ever look daunting? Do you see it looming mountainous in front of you, and just want to pull the covers back over your head?


Sometimes I’m just tired. Other times, the memories of yesterday shake any courage I might have had for today. Still other mornings, I know that today holds things I just don’t want to tackle.

On such days, like today, it’s time for some soul-talk. I dare not let my heart lead.

Here’s what I’m reminding myself today…

Everything needed for Christlike living – it’s already mine. I lack nothing. I may feel inadequate for the challenges of the day. But Jesus is my sufficiency. His Word is my sword. His Spirit is my Guide. His armor is my defense. His truth is my freedom. “His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of Him…” (2 Pet 1:3).

I can do everything though Jesus – His wisdom, His strength, His grace. “I can do all things through Him who strengthens me” (Phil 4:13).

God has already prepared good works for me to do today – I don’t have to do everything, just those things He leads me to do as I walk with Him. His Holy Spirit will work through me to produce His fruit. “For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do” (Eph 2:10). “For it is God who is working in you, enabling you both to desire and to work out His good purposes” (Phil 2:13).

God is good, and nothing can shake that. He has dealt bountifully with me. It is ok, even necessary, to “return to rest.” To stop and breathe. To take a “time out” when I feel frustrations mount or when my resolve begins to crumble. It does the soul good to recount the Lord’s kindness. “Return to your rest, O my soul, for the Lord has dealt bountifully with you (Ps 116:7).


So here goes – let’s do this thing!

What soul-talk helps you face a daunting day? Feel free to join the conversation! I’d love to hear your thoughts!

I Shouldn’t Feel This Way

I “played hookie” on Sunday.


Oh, I went to church. I dropped my family off and then sat in the parking lot during Sunday School. I just couldn’t bring myself to go in. My heart was in turmoil. I was upset about how the morning was going. Actually, I was upset about how life is going right now. Sometimes our burdens just grow so heavy.

Sometimes weariness wins.

I didn’t want to put on my happy face and pretend everything was fine. But neither did I want to get real and admit to my brothers and sisters how I was truly doing.

So Jesus and I, we just sat in the car together and I told Him all about it.

I told Him that I don’t understand why I feel so weak. Everyone else seems to have it together. They seem to handle stress and parenting and Christian living and everything else with ease. So I wonder, what’s wrong with me? I mean, it’s not like I’m suffering for Jesus, or facing a life-threatening disease, or something “big.” Why can’t I handle life better?

I’m ever so grateful that Jesus is compassionate and welcoming. That He listens and then gently sheds His light on things.


After spending time with Him, I realized several things. First, someone else’s struggle does not invalidate mine. Yes, Christians are being martyred. Precious young moms are fighting cancer. Families nearby have no idea where their next meal will come from. Yes, their struggle is real and huge and heartbreaking.

But just as Jesus is “there” for them in their need, so He is “here” for me in mine.

Denial is not God’s way of dealing with problems. Rationalizing that “this shouldn’t be a big deal” is not how God works. My struggle, be it “big” or “small” – it’s real and it matters to God.

The fact is, life is hard. It wasn’t meant to be this way. Conflict, disappointment, sickness, heartbreak…those were never part of His original design. And Jesus felt our pain when He walked this earth. He’s not disappointed by our frailty, our emotional ups and downs. On the contrary. He sympathizes with us and longs to draw us near (Heb 4:15).

The invitation to come boldly to His throne of grace is open to all. He doesn’t say, “Take a look around and compare your struggle with others to see if yours is big enough to bother Me with.” Nope. He just says, “Come confidently to Me in your time of need. I’ve got grace and mercy just waiting to be lavished on you” (Heb 4:16).

A second truth He reminded me of is this. God’s grace comes out in dazzling splendor against the backdrop of our weakness. He shines most brightly through a life that is completely in need of Him. (See 2 Cor 12.)

“Why am I not stronger? Why can’t I handle this?” – those questions reveal my own self confidence and self  sufficiency. Boil it all down, and I’m disappointed because I thought better of myself than this.

Maybe that’s part of why God allows life to get unmanageable. So that our confidence will be in Him and not in ourselves. So that we will glory in Christ and boast in His power.   

Our weaknesses and struggles, our feelings and thoughts – they matter to God. He wants to take us, frailties and all, and breathe life into our weary souls. He is really good at taking jagged, broken pieces and making a mosaic masterpiece.


Our God is not looking for strong people, but for those whose hearts are set on Him.

How has God put His power on display in your life?

“For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him…” (2 Chron 16:9a). See also Ps 91:14.

Plastic Cup in a Garbage Truck

Do you ever feel like a plastic cup in a garbage truck?


You know, those days when the pressures and demands of daily life are so overwhelming you feel like you will be crushed by them? Like you just want to run away? Or go back to bed and then try to start the day over? Well, today was one of those days.

It’s a bit crazy over here.

Our dishwasher stopped working a few weeks ago. Not an essential appliance. But such a handy one. Then our washing machine broke. A bit more important. So this weekend we replaced them both. We found some good deals on Craigslist, but later realized they needed a bit of work before they were really “good deals.”

Yesterday I went to do my first load of laundry in the new washing machine. Why on earth does this front-load washing machine stink, I wondered? And what’s that black stuff I hadn’t noticed before...yep, mildew. Not cool. After a few cycles of bleach water, still no improvement. This may take a while to get clean.

Then last night, as hubby was installing the new dishwasher, he realized it needed a different supply line. And…the stores were closing in five minutes. That’s okay, I thought, staying calm. The water was turned off to the house, thanks to a defective shut-off valve spewing water all over the kitchen. But we don’t really need water through the night.

Everything’s fine. This is an adventure we will laugh about later. 

So this morning, we faced the day with two dishwashers laying sideways on the dirty kitchen floor, a smelly washing machine and lots of nasty towels. Sweet hubby got up at 5:30 am to be at Lowes when they opened. He got the supply line, came home and installed the new dishwasher. (I love having a handy husband!)

Then the toilet, the one we couldn’t flush through the night, that toilet – it overflowed. And I was still trying to figure out how to clean the washing machine so I could wash all these dirty towels. Guess we’ll be going to the laundromat today. And the kids will just have to use yesterday’s towels for swimming lessons.

Oh, and did I mention that I thought yesterday would be a good day to start stripping wallpaper from the dining room wall? Of course, it’s not coming down without a fight. We are switching rooms up over here, a move that involves five different spaces. But before it can be completed, the dining room wallpaper must come down and the walls must be painted. So on top of the appliances adventure, furniture is out of place and clutter is winning the battle for order.

So, it was just one of those days…when I feel like a plastic cup being crushed in a garbage truck.

One of those days when I need God to be my refuge.


“O Lord my God, in You do I take refuge…” (Ps 7:1a). I read that verse a few days ago, and pondered the idea of “taking refuge.” It means to flee, to trust, to hope in. It involves “precipitate action.”* Google defines precipitate as, “acting suddenly or without careful consideration.”

I like that. Because on days like today, I don’t have any eloquent prayers or well-planned petitions. I just need help – suddenly, quickly, right now. I need more strength than I have. I need a guard over my tongue so I don’t hurt my little people who aren’t responsible for the craziness. I need Jesus – I need Him to produce His fruit in me (Gal 5:22-23). I certainly can’t produce it myself.

“…In returning and rest you shall be saved; in quietness and confidence shall be your strength…” (Is 30:15).

Quiet confidence. Settle that in my heart today, Lord.

Life is chaotic. But You are undisturbed. I am uptight and stressed out. But You are my unchanging God of peace. Carry me through the craziness, and let Your love control my words and actions. Let the people around me see a very active, very present God alive in me. One who cares about the details of life and gives strength in weakness. Make this mess beautiful, Lord.

How have you seen God be your refuge? What do you do when you feel like a plastic cup in a garbage truck?

*Lexical Aids to the Old Testament, Key Word Study Bible

When You Need Refuge

“God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble” Ps 46:1.

What comes to mind when you hear the word refuge?

I think of a photograph I’ve seen of a lighthouse at the end of a pier. Waves are crashing around the structure, nearly engulfing it. But the lighthouse stands firm. The waves can batter it. The storms can rage. But it remains a safe, secure and stable hiding spot for anyone inside.

We all face various types of storms. Sometimes we bring them on ourselves. Sometimes they overtake us. Sometimes they are brought upon us by others…Trials. Suffering. Hurts. Disappointments. Betrayal. Where do you run when these things threaten to engulf you?

According to this verse, God is our safe hiding spot. He is our refuge.

He is our strength when we have none left of our own. Or when we just realize that ours is insufficient. He delights in lovingly displaying His strength in our weakness. “But He said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for My power is made perfect in weakness…'” (2 Cor. 12:9a).

I love the next phrase in Ps. 46:10 – “a very present help in trouble.” He is so there for me. He’s abundantly present. Exceedingly present. The Hebrew word “present” has to do with being “found.” The Holman Christian Standard Bible translates it this way: “a Helper who is always found in times of trouble.” When we seek God, when we run to Him for refuge, He is very “findable.” Jeremiah 29:13 confirms this when it says, “You will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart.”

Another angle on this subject is found in Isaiah 40:11. “He tends His flock like a shepherd. He gathers the lambs in His arms and carries them close to His heart…” He wants to envelop us in His strong and loving embrace. When we run to Him, He welcomes us. He receives us with arms wide open.

And in that place of refuge, we find unrivaled love and tenderness.

So today, no matter what you are facing, no matter what your past, no matter what burdens or shame or pain you carry, run to Jesus. Seek Him. You will find Him. You will find a secure Refuge and a tender Shepherd.

How has God been a refuge for you?