by MeredithNMills | Jan 30, 2018 | abiding in Christ, grace, growing in Christ, hope, Hope in the Midst of Heartache, pain, Uncategorized, Victorious Living, Waiting, Walking by Faith
Yesterday our family took an exotic trip.
Well, sort of. We went to the zoo, where we saw some very exotic animals.
It rained a little during our drive in, but the light drizzle cleared up before we left the parking lot. The sun came out a few hours later and bathed the animals and their habitats in brilliant light.
As we rode a tram to another side of the zoo, however, we noticed ominous black clouds literally splitting the sunny sky in two.
I wonder which direction those are heading? I mused.
Within minutes of arriving at our destination, the sky opened and a downpour began. Thankfully, we had just reached a pavilion, where we waited out the storm.
After the showers let up, a beautiful rainbow streaked across the darkened sky, reminding us of the God who keeps His promises.
Life is a lot like our experience at the zoo. Sometimes storms come out of nowhere. Other times they spend a long time building up their fury. Either way, we’re often left scrambling for shelter.
I’ve faced a few such storms recently. Oh, how thankful I am for God my refuge.
“God is my refuge and my strength, a very present help in trouble” Psalm 46:1.
Always near and abundantly available, Jesus is a secure shelter for all who come to Him in faith. He’s also the strength we need to face those storms and whatever lies on the other side of them. And always, as yesterday’s rainbow reminded me, He is working to bring good out of every difficulty we face (Romans 8:28).
Because God shelters, strengthens and protects us, we can “be still and know that [He] is God…The [God of angel armies] is with us; the God of Jacob is our stronghold” (Psalm 46:10-11).
In what ways do you need God to be your refuge today? From what storms do you need a shelter? What weakness makes you desperate for Christ’s strength (2 Corinthians 12:9)?
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When Life Eclipses God
by MeredithNMills | Nov 23, 2016 | Family, knowing God, ministry, Uncategorized, Victorious Living, Walking by Faith
Well, hello there. Me again. It’s been a while, I know.
Life has kind of gotten away from me lately. I’ve not made much time for writing over the past few months, despite many great intentions.
So, guess what’s on my heart today?
Not much of a Thanksgiving theme. But hang with me and I’ll get to the thanksgiving part.
We all wear a variety of different “hats.” Mine are labeled wife, mommy, friend, sister, daughter, church member, writer, homeschool instructor, cook, housekeeper, menu planner…It’s pretty crazy, trying to keep all those hats on at one time. So, I guess it’s normal to feel like a failure from time to time.
But sometimes those feelings get overwhelming, at least they do for me. I can throw a really good pity party. I’m sure the devil loves when I do that. He pitches in his own accusations, along with my feelings of condemnation. It’s a miserable place to be.
I hit one of those places last week.
But thank God, He didn’t leave me there. With overwhelming grace, He reminded me of the following verses:
“He who began a good work in you [and in my loved ones] will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus” (Philippians 1:6).
“…My Word… will not return to Me empty without accomplishing what I desire and without succeeding in the matter for which I sent it” (Isaiah 55:11).
“Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up” (Galatians 6:9).
“For it is God who is working in you [and in my family], enabling you both to desire and to work out His good purpose” (Philippians 2:13).
“If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you” (James 1:5).
“So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand” (Isaiah 41:10).
How beautiful is His Word – just what I needed in those moments. Like a balm to my weary soul. Like a new set of glasses giving me the bigger picture.
Along with those verses, God reminded me that:
- This Christian life, our ministry within our families, our interactions with those around us…it’s all His work. We are tools in His hand – loving, serving, teaching, praying, pouring out our lives for one another. But the results are up to Him. He is the heart-changer and the miracle-worker.
- He enables us to live out our callings, yet He doesn’t condemn when we fall short. He understands our weakness, and is ever so patient. In fact, He’s not planning on us being perfect until we get to heaven. Growing, changing, becoming more like Jesus – yes. But perfect – not yet. Oh, how that knowledge comforts my heart!
- He gives us each other. Sometimes I think we underestimate the importance, the sheer necessity, of the Body of Christ. During recent “down” days, God brought along sisters to encourage me. They listened as I poured out my heart. They spoke truth to my soul. One of them even brought me chocolate (always a bonus). They lifted this weary traveler back to her feet and put my eyes back on Jesus.
How much, how very much, we have to be thankful for! Sometimes we just need to remind our souls of the truth.
What kind of season are in, fellow Jesus lover?
Are things going well, your heart overflowing with the goodness of the Lord? I join you in praising Him for His kindness.
Are you discouraged, maybe even feeling like a failure? May He meet you with the blessings of His Word, His presence and His Body.
We have much for which to give thanks, in each and every season.
During this Thanksgiving week, for what are you most grateful? Please join the conversation – I’d love to praise Him with you!
Always give thanks
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Two Things for Sure
by MeredithNMills | Sep 16, 2016 | Hope in the Midst of Heartache, knowing God, Uncategorized, Waiting, Walking by Faith
By Meredith Mills @DazzledByTheSon
Have you ever experienced a natural disaster?
Storm Fury
I’ve been through several – two earthquakes while living in California, a hurricane during my teen years in Hawaii, even a fire in the valley directly behind our home. Oh, and a predicted tsunami (though it was quite anti-climactic when it rolled in at less than three centimeters!)
A few weeks ago, we visited some dear friends near the Georgia coast and found ourselves in the path of what was Hurricane Hermine. It had been downgraded to a tropical storm by the time it reached our friends’ house. Still, the winds uprooted trees and knocked out the power. A nearby town flooded. It was intense.
But then the eye of the storm passed over. An earie calm settled in. No wind. No rain. Just stillness.
Storm Fury
A short time later, the backside of the storm hit, bringing wind and rain in abundance once again. I was thankful for our friends’ strong home protecting us from the hurricane’s fury.
As I watched it rage from inside the house, I thought of Bethel Music’s rendition of “It is Well.” I was reminded that hurricane-force winds, powerful storm surges, and torrential rains…they know their Master’s name. His voice spoke the wind and water into existence. And His word has calmed them in an instant.
I’m grateful that their Master is also mine. His power is stronger than any force in the universe.
He is able to calm every storm I face. He can make it stop with just one word. He is Master of the Storm.
But sometimes He doesn’t stop the storms. Sometimes He permits “sorrows like sea billows” to roll. In those seasons, He is my unshakeable shelter in the middle of the storm. His nearness is my good. His heart is trustworthy and ever open to mine.
What about you, fellow Jesus lover? Is there a storm raging in your life? Are you experiencing Him as Master of the storm or as Shelter in the midst of the storm? How has He brought comfort to your soul? I’d love to hear – please join in the conversation!
Peace, be still
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When Life Blindsides You
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by MeredithNMills | Sep 2, 2016 | Hope in the Midst of Heartache, knowing God, Uncategorized, Victorious Living, Waiting, Walking by Faith
Did we take a wrong turn somewhere, God?
Did we take a wrong turn?
This path we’re on is bumpier than I expected. I’m not seeing many “green pastures” or much “still water.” It’s certainly not glamorous.
I was kind of hoping for something more exciting, less mundane. I know You lead down “paths of righteousness,” but isn’t there a less exhausting one?
That path over there…the pleasant-looking, grass-is-greener one? I think I’d like that one better. It looks easier, more productive, more… well, fun.
Can’t we give that one a try?
Do you ever have such conversations with God?
Ever feel frustrated, discontent, even disillusioned with the path on which God has you? Ever compare your life with others and wish your days looked more like theirs? Or maybe memories of past seasons or dormant dreams make you long for something…different.
Life has a way of not turning out the way we envisioned, no matter how good we have it.
Sometimes I whine and complain, as evidenced by the above conversation (“inspired” by this past month).
I’m so thankful that God isn’t impatient, that He continues loving and leading me, no matter how I grumble along the way. Sometimes I’m in awe of how gracious and “longsuffering” He is.
In my grumbling seasons, God faithfully reminds me that He Himself is the only Source of true joy and satisfaction. “The Lord will guide you always; He will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land and will strengthen your frame. You will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail” (Is 58:11). “Satisfy us in the morning with your unfailing love, that we may sing for joy and be glad all our days” (Ps 90:14).
Did we take a wrong turn?
He never promised that life would be easy. On the contrary, He said, “If any of you wants to be My follower, you must turn from your selfish ways, take up your cross daily, and follow Me” (Lk 9:23).
Some days are crazy hard, but “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” (Phil 4:13).
By faith, I trust that He has “given us everything we need for a godly life through the knowledge of Him…” (2 Pet 1:3).
When I grow weary, I remember that “at the proper time, we will reap a harvest if we do not give up” (Gal 6:9).
Sometimes He leads through the valley of the shadow of death, yet He is always with us (even when we don’t feel Him). He knows when we become “weary and burdened,” so He invites to come find rest in Him beside quiet waters (Ps 23, Matt 11:28-30).
He Himself is each need’s satisfaction and every heart’s greatest pleasure.
Did we take a wrong turn?
Are you on a difficult path? Have you been grumbling about your circumstances? How does Jesus satisfy you when life is hard? I’d love to hear – please join the conversation!
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When Life Blindsides You
A Good Good Father
by MeredithNMills | Aug 12, 2016 | Hope in the Midst of Heartache, Uncategorized, Walking by Faith
It came out of nowhere, that unidentified flying creature.
Something flew out of the darkness
Out of the dark, into my personal space, it hit me on the shoulder and bounced off before flying back into the night. I ducked and ran for the car, then sat stunned in the passenger seat. I tried to slow my breathing and calm my racing heart.
What had just happened?
I replayed the 30-second escapade in my mind’s eye. Hubby and I were on our way to catch a late-night movie. He had walked out of the house first, then ducked suddenly when something brushed his face as it flew by. He was slightly shaken – it’s unnerving to collide with something in the dark. But it was gone. We were fine.
Then, as I walked toward the car, I encountered the…thing.
It was creepy. Startling. Unsettling.
The unidentified flying creature flew at me from the darkness.
We decided it must have been a bat. (I shuttered as I typed that!)
That crazy, short-lived event reminds me of life in general. Sometimes we’re blindsided by unexplainable events, sidelined by a change of circumstances, or frightened by things outside of our control.
It’s easy to become fearful, discouraged or bitter when life doesn’t turn out how we hoped.
That’s why I’m grateful that our God is a Rock – both to anchor my feet when everything else is shifting unpredictably, and to be a hiding place for my soul when life’s storms threaten to engulf me. I love the following verse:
“And He will be the stability of your times, a wealth of salvation, wisdom and knowledge; the fear of the Lord is (our) treasure” (Is 33:6).
Life is unstable. But God never changes.
The One we call Father is the same God who was faithful to Abraham. The same God who did wonders through Moses. The same God who wove goodness into the tragic events of Joseph’s life.
He was David’s Protector, Solomon’s Wisdom, Elijah’s Provider, Daniel’s Strength.
He is still the Way, the Truth, the Life, Living Water, Hope for the hurting, Healer to the broken.
His grace was enough for Paul, and it’s just as sufficient today.
Our unchanging Rock
I’m so grateful for a God who remains the same through all the changes of my life.
How about you? How does God’s eternal nature give you hope and courage? I’d love to hear! Please join the conversation!