by MeredithNMills | Nov 23, 2016 | Family, knowing God, ministry, Uncategorized, Victorious Living, Walking by Faith
Well, hello there. Me again. It’s been a while, I know.
Life has kind of gotten away from me lately. I’ve not made much time for writing over the past few months, despite many great intentions.
So, guess what’s on my heart today?
Not much of a Thanksgiving theme. But hang with me and I’ll get to the thanksgiving part.
We all wear a variety of different “hats.” Mine are labeled wife, mommy, friend, sister, daughter, church member, writer, homeschool instructor, cook, housekeeper, menu planner…It’s pretty crazy, trying to keep all those hats on at one time. So, I guess it’s normal to feel like a failure from time to time.

But sometimes those feelings get overwhelming, at least they do for me. I can throw a really good pity party. I’m sure the devil loves when I do that. He pitches in his own accusations, along with my feelings of condemnation. It’s a miserable place to be.
I hit one of those places last week.
But thank God, He didn’t leave me there. With overwhelming grace, He reminded me of the following verses:
“He who began a good work in you [and in my loved ones] will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus” (Philippians 1:6).
“…My Word… will not return to Me empty without accomplishing what I desire and without succeeding in the matter for which I sent it” (Isaiah 55:11).
“Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up” (Galatians 6:9).
“For it is God who is working in you [and in my family], enabling you both to desire and to work out His good purpose” (Philippians 2:13).
“If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you” (James 1:5).

“So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand” (Isaiah 41:10).
How beautiful is His Word – just what I needed in those moments. Like a balm to my weary soul. Like a new set of glasses giving me the bigger picture.
Along with those verses, God reminded me that:
- This Christian life, our ministry within our families, our interactions with those around us…it’s all His work. We are tools in His hand – loving, serving, teaching, praying, pouring out our lives for one another. But the results are up to Him. He is the heart-changer and the miracle-worker.
- He enables us to live out our callings, yet He doesn’t condemn when we fall short. He understands our weakness, and is ever so patient. In fact, He’s not planning on us being perfect until we get to heaven. Growing, changing, becoming more like Jesus – yes. But perfect – not yet. Oh, how that knowledge comforts my heart!
- He gives us each other. Sometimes I think we underestimate the importance, the sheer necessity, of the Body of Christ. During recent “down” days, God brought along sisters to encourage me. They listened as I poured out my heart. They spoke truth to my soul. One of them even brought me chocolate (always a bonus). They lifted this weary traveler back to her feet and put my eyes back on Jesus.
How much, how very much, we have to be thankful for! Sometimes we just need to remind our souls of the truth.
What kind of season are in, fellow Jesus lover?
Are things going well, your heart overflowing with the goodness of the Lord? I join you in praising Him for His kindness.
Are you discouraged, maybe even feeling like a failure? May He meet you with the blessings of His Word, His presence and His Body.
We have much for which to give thanks, in each and every season.
During this Thanksgiving week, for what are you most grateful? Please join the conversation – I’d love to praise Him with you!

Always give thanks
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Thanksgiving Thoughts
Two Things for Sure
by MeredithNMills | Sep 2, 2016 | Hope in the Midst of Heartache, knowing God, Uncategorized, Victorious Living, Waiting, Walking by Faith
Did we take a wrong turn somewhere, God?

Did we take a wrong turn?
This path we’re on is bumpier than I expected. I’m not seeing many “green pastures” or much “still water.” It’s certainly not glamorous.
I was kind of hoping for something more exciting, less mundane. I know You lead down “paths of righteousness,” but isn’t there a less exhausting one?
That path over there…the pleasant-looking, grass-is-greener one? I think I’d like that one better. It looks easier, more productive, more… well, fun.
Can’t we give that one a try?
Do you ever have such conversations with God?
Ever feel frustrated, discontent, even disillusioned with the path on which God has you? Ever compare your life with others and wish your days looked more like theirs? Or maybe memories of past seasons or dormant dreams make you long for something…different.
Life has a way of not turning out the way we envisioned, no matter how good we have it.
Sometimes I whine and complain, as evidenced by the above conversation (“inspired” by this past month).
I’m so thankful that God isn’t impatient, that He continues loving and leading me, no matter how I grumble along the way. Sometimes I’m in awe of how gracious and “longsuffering” He is.
In my grumbling seasons, God faithfully reminds me that He Himself is the only Source of true joy and satisfaction. “The Lord will guide you always; He will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land and will strengthen your frame. You will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail” (Is 58:11). “Satisfy us in the morning with your unfailing love, that we may sing for joy and be glad all our days” (Ps 90:14).

Did we take a wrong turn?
He never promised that life would be easy. On the contrary, He said, “If any of you wants to be My follower, you must turn from your selfish ways, take up your cross daily, and follow Me” (Lk 9:23).
Some days are crazy hard, but “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” (Phil 4:13).
By faith, I trust that He has “given us everything we need for a godly life through the knowledge of Him…” (2 Pet 1:3).
When I grow weary, I remember that “at the proper time, we will reap a harvest if we do not give up” (Gal 6:9).
Sometimes He leads through the valley of the shadow of death, yet He is always with us (even when we don’t feel Him). He knows when we become “weary and burdened,” so He invites to come find rest in Him beside quiet waters (Ps 23, Matt 11:28-30).
He Himself is each need’s satisfaction and every heart’s greatest pleasure.

Did we take a wrong turn?
Are you on a difficult path? Have you been grumbling about your circumstances? How does Jesus satisfy you when life is hard? I’d love to hear – please join the conversation!
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When Life Blindsides You
A Good Good Father
by MeredithNMills | Feb 26, 2016 | Uncategorized
I wonder if it’s too late to back out? I don’t think I can do this…
My fingers clutched the cargo net with a death grip. I forced my feet to keep climbing. Up, up I went until I reached the platform where our zip line tour would begin. I felt my breathing accelerate as I fought back a panic attack. I am terrified of heights! What on earth have I gotten myself into?

I looked over at Hubby and asked, “You know I love you, right?” He perceived my unspoken meaning – I’m doing this because I love you. I would totally back out right now if it was up to me! He smiled his approval and support.
My husband loves adventure. He enjoys the thrill of adrenaline that comes from doing ridiculously dangerous stunts, which he assures me are completely safe (like riding rollercoasters!) Me? I find quite thrilling the safety and security of keeping my feet on the ground, thank you very much. (I do realize this makes me a very boring companion at amusement parks!)
However, around Christmastime I got this brilliant idea that I should buy Hubby and myself zip line tickets. I would be brave. And he would be proud. And we would have fun. It all made sense at the time. But as I climbed to the first of eight platforms, I began to question my sanity at Christmastime.
When my turn for the first zip arrived, I focused on the next platform and refused to look down. I dared not hesitate. I stepped off the platform and sailed through the air. And guess what? I survived! Each zip got easier. That is, until the grand finale – 1000+ feet long, over the racing river and through the woods. I started to panic again as I picked up speed. But halfway across, I realized – I had a bird’s-eye view of some pretty amazing scenery. It was the thrill of a lifetime!
But I almost missed it, because of fear.
It made me think about my life in general. How often do I cling to safety and security when God calls me to step out in faith, and soar – above fear, above mediocrity, above the worries that hinder me from running after Jesus with reckless abandon? “Those who trust in the Lord will renew their strength; they will soar on wings like eagles…” (Is. 40:31 HCSB).

Here are a few thoughts I learned on the zip line:
- Though I had wanted for years to experience a zip line, that desire alone could not have conquered my overwhelming fear of heights. But love did. I love my husband and wanted to give him this shared experience. The power of love is stronger than the power of fear. When we experience the depth of God’s love, fear loses its power over us. We are free to follow Him out of reciprocal love. (See 1 Jn 4:18.)
- I was not alone. My husband was right there – either going ahead, standing beside or coming up behind. Similarly, we never face fear alone. The God of angel armies is constantly with us. (See Ps 46:1-3.)
- I trusted my equipment. Logic reminded me that this company wouldn’t be in business unless they had taken necessary precautions to ensure my safety. In the spiritual realm, we know that our God has given us everything we need for life and godliness. He is trustworthy. Where He calls us, He will sustain us. (See 2 Pet 1:3.)
I discovered (much to my amazement) that a zip line is pretty thrilling. But nothing compares to the thrill of experiencing life with Jesus. May we refuse to settle for the path of least resistance. May we step out in faith wherever He calls and know the joy of soaring with Jesus!
How about you? Where Is God calling you to step out in faith today? Is fear holding you back?
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When Fear Invades
Come Close
by MeredithNMills | Jan 7, 2016 | Uncategorized
It always makes me a little sad, taking down Christmas decorations. All the tinsel and lights and evergreen beauty – even as an adult, it still seems a bit magical. But now it’s over and time to get back to work.
And then there’s the new year.

It used to fill me with excitement and hope. I would dream of what lies ahead and celebrate with anticipation. But I’ve noticed an unwelcome change in my heart over the last few years. Maybe I’ve become pessimistic. Maybe I’ve just come to love a simple life and don’t want things to change.
Actually, I think I’m afraid.
Afraid of what lies ahead. Afraid of losing what I love or of the discomfort of change. Fear can wield such a vise grip on my heart. Indeed, it has been one of the greatest struggles of my adult life.
This is no small matter for a follower of Jesus, because fear sabotages faith.
When fear moves in, joy and peace get pushed out. Trusting God is replaced by anxiety and “what if’s.” And the longer fear is entertained, the more it takes over. Where fear once was a nagging thought, it begins to command center stage. Instead of walking by faith, self-preservation becomes the goal. Instead of eyes fixed on Jesus, I’m distracted by myself and my surroundings.
But thank God, He’s the Lifter of my head. Thank God, the Holy Spirit is my Teacher. Thank God, He doesn’t leave me here. Thank God He still quiets raging storms – even storms of the heart.
And He reminds me…
He is completely in control. There’s not a ruler or a nation, an organization or a terrorist, a tragedy or a trial, a sickness or even death, that He is not Lord over. He is more powerful than any “giant” I will ever face.
He is abundantly good. There is a lot in life that is not good. A whole lot of things are just downright horrible. But our heavenly Daddy is always working for our good. While He allows free will and human choice, while the evils of a sin-ridden world run their course, He promises to bring good out of it for His own. His intention toward us is kind. Love is the heartbeat of our Redeemer. And He Himself is well-acquainted with grief, so He’s able to comfort us when we need it.
I am of great value to my God. When Jesus taught His disciples about overcoming fear, He based His command “Do not be afraid” on this fact: God notices every bird that falls to the ground. We (whom Jesus calls His friends!) are of much greater value than the birds, so there’s nothing to fear! Nothing in heaven or on earth could cause Him to forget His friends. He is ever attentive to our prayers and our plight.

I am never alone. Sometimes I catch myself dwelling on “what if’s.” But if I stop to think about it, I realize that the presence of God is noticeably absent in these scenarios. Here’s the reality – never will I face a trial or a struggle on my own. The indwelling Spirit of God, with all His infinite power and wisdom, is forever my Companion.
So when fear invades, this is how God is teaching me to respond. (This, of course, relates to unwarranted fear. In truly dangerous situations, fear can be a God-given response compelling us to “fight or flight.”)
Ask God for discernment. Is there a legitimate danger I need to face or flee? If not, then…
Notice whose “voice” I’m listening to. The devil’s native tongue is deceit, and he’s a master at distraction. If I’m entertaining fear, I’m most likely believing something that’s not true. Or forgetting something that is true.
Seek God for the truth that counters any lie.
Respond in faith, based on the truth. Quite often, the response of faith is opposite of what fear is driving me to do.
So, as I face the new year, I rejoice that our God became man, conquered death and is forever with us through His Spirit. He has good things stored up for His kids, and one day He will set all things right. In the meantime, His nearness is our good.
“But as for me, the nearness of God is my good; I have made the Lord God my refuge, that I may tell of all Your works!” Ps 73:28.
May we treasure that nearness and trust His heart.

What about you? How do you respond when facing uncertain times? I’d love to learn what God has taught you!
Don’t take my word for it! Check out these passages:
Ps 31:19; 89:6,8; Rom 8:28,39; Eph 1:5,9; Zeph 3:17; Isa 53:3; 1 Jn 4: 8-10; Matt 10:29-31; Lk 12: 4-32; Isa 49:15-16; Heb 13:5
by MeredithNMills | Sep 22, 2015 | Uncategorized
I “played hookie” on Sunday.

Oh, I went to church. I dropped my family off and then sat in the parking lot during Sunday School. I just couldn’t bring myself to go in. My heart was in turmoil. I was upset about how the morning was going. Actually, I was upset about how life is going right now. Sometimes our burdens just grow so heavy.
Sometimes weariness wins.
I didn’t want to put on my happy face and pretend everything was fine. But neither did I want to get real and admit to my brothers and sisters how I was truly doing.
So Jesus and I, we just sat in the car together and I told Him all about it.
I told Him that I don’t understand why I feel so weak. Everyone else seems to have it together. They seem to handle stress and parenting and Christian living and everything else with ease. So I wonder, what’s wrong with me? I mean, it’s not like I’m suffering for Jesus, or facing a life-threatening disease, or something “big.” Why can’t I handle life better?
I’m ever so grateful that Jesus is compassionate and welcoming. That He listens and then gently sheds His light on things.

After spending time with Him, I realized several things. First, someone else’s struggle does not invalidate mine. Yes, Christians are being martyred. Precious young moms are fighting cancer. Families nearby have no idea where their next meal will come from. Yes, their struggle is real and huge and heartbreaking.
But just as Jesus is “there” for them in their need, so He is “here” for me in mine.
Denial is not God’s way of dealing with problems. Rationalizing that “this shouldn’t be a big deal” is not how God works. My struggle, be it “big” or “small” – it’s real and it matters to God.
The fact is, life is hard. It wasn’t meant to be this way. Conflict, disappointment, sickness, heartbreak…those were never part of His original design. And Jesus felt our pain when He walked this earth. He’s not disappointed by our frailty, our emotional ups and downs. On the contrary. He sympathizes with us and longs to draw us near (Heb 4:15).
The invitation to come boldly to His throne of grace is open to all. He doesn’t say, “Take a look around and compare your struggle with others to see if yours is big enough to bother Me with.” Nope. He just says, “Come confidently to Me in your time of need. I’ve got grace and mercy just waiting to be lavished on you” (Heb 4:16).
A second truth He reminded me of is this. God’s grace comes out in dazzling splendor against the backdrop of our weakness. He shines most brightly through a life that is completely in need of Him. (See 2 Cor 12.)
“Why am I not stronger? Why can’t I handle this?” – those questions reveal my own self confidence and self sufficiency. Boil it all down, and I’m disappointed because I thought better of myself than this.
Maybe that’s part of why God allows life to get unmanageable. So that our confidence will be in Him and not in ourselves. So that we will glory in Christ and boast in His power.
Our weaknesses and struggles, our feelings and thoughts – they matter to God. He wants to take us, frailties and all, and breathe life into our weary souls. He is really good at taking jagged, broken pieces and making a mosaic masterpiece.

Our God is not looking for strong people, but for those whose hearts are set on Him.
How has God put His power on display in your life?
“For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him…” (2 Chron 16:9a). See also Ps 91:14.