We Are Family

We Are Family


“What did you swallow?” the triage attendant asks incredulously.

I brace myself and repeat for the hundredth time. “I swallowed the tab from a soda can.”


“What did you swallow?”

“How’d you do that?”

I know. I already feel stupid. Who does this sort of thing?

I’m not your everyday ER patient. I’m not a child who put something weird in her mouth. I wasn’t drunk or otherwise impaired. I’m just a mom who was watching her kids at swim team practice.

Earlier that morning, when I grabbed a can of La Croix and dashed out the door, I had no idea how the day was about to change. When the darling, adorable child pulled off the tab and dropped it inside, I didn’t know I should throw the can in the garbage right that very moment. It never crossed my mind that one could actually swallow something as big as an aluminum tab – before even realizing what had happened.

Nope, I didn’t know any of that – until today.

Now I’m rather an expert on such things.

Two sets of x-rays, 5+ hours in the ER and an endoscopy… still no tab. It left its mark – I can feel the scratch down my throat. But the tab itself has officially gone into hiding.

Quite a frustrating, unpleasant day. Not one I’d like to repeat. Ever.

But it wasn’t all bad. In fact, as I ponder it in retrospect, I’m struck by one thing – the Body of Christ is truly an amazing gift.

My sweet friend at swim team practice dropped everything and drove me home, then cared for my kids all day. My precious hubby cleared his schedule and sat with me in the emergency room. My family and church family prayed. Lots of people sent offers of help via text message. And the GI doctor, who called me after I left the hospital, asked if he could pray for me over the phone. His prayer brought me to tears. He called on God our Healer and Provider and lifted me before the Lord in Jesus’ name.

We Christians have been born again into a truly incredible community!


We are family!

Church friends, long-time friends, new friends, even total strangers…if we’re Christians, we all have one thing in common. We love Jesus. And because of that, we are family.

Right now, story after story is washing over me as I remember God’s love poured out through His people.

Like when our whole church rejoiced at my oldest child’s baptism.

And when concerned friends brought meals during my sick days of pregnancy.

And when a dear man from church sent my little boy a note to say that he’s praying for him.

And when loved ones cried with us as we grieved a miscarriage.

In joys and sorrows, achievements and losses – we’ve been through it all together. This is how it’s supposed to work. This is the Body functioning as God planned. What a beautiful gift!

I know, it’s not happiness and harmony all the time. We the collective Church are human. We’ve been forgiven and made new, but we don’t always act like it. Sometimes we hurt each other – sometimes even on purpose. Oh, how the devil loves to tear us apart!

But we need each other. We need committed friendships and regular fellowship that we aren’t quick to walk away from. It’s worth working at, working through, and working beyond the issues that separate. It’s worth swallowing our pride and admitting when we’re wrong. It’s worth overlooking offenses, extending forgiveness, accepting differences and learning from each other.


Who do you do life with?

“Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor. If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up. Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken” (Eccl 4:9-10, 12).

This gift of community is priceless.

So today, I’m asking myself – how well am I contributing to the Body of Christ? Am I as willing to serve others as they have been to me? Am I pursuing growth and unity out of love for Jesus?

How about you? How are you doing? What community of believers do you do life with and how have you ministered to one another? I’d love to hear!

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I Shouldn’t Feel This Way





It Wasn’t Supposed to be This Way…

It Wasn’t Supposed to be This Way…

It wasn’t supposed to be this way.

I sit in a hospital room, surrounded by beeping and whirring machines. Otherwise, it’s silent.


It wasn’t supposed to be this way.

A beloved family member sleeps fitfully in the bed in front of me. The surgery went well. Anesthesia effective. Thank God for good doctors. Now begins the rocky road to recovery.

As I stare at her, something deep within me revolts against what I see. In this room, all over this hospital, are people who bear God’s image – each with a story to tell. They have hopes, plans and dreams. They are loved, and they love in return. They want to be healthy, happy, free. They want to be anywhere but here.

It wasn’t supposed to be this way.

Sickness. Pain. Aging. Loss. Broken bodies. Broken hearts. Broken lives. It’s all so…wrong

We were made for more than this..

My mind wanders back to a Garden, the first and only perfect Garden. Teaming with life, bursting with beauty, this Garden showcased the handiwork of the Master Creator. He spoke everything into existence and pronounced it good – everything, that is, until He was ready for His magnum opus. For this, He would use extra special care. He would craft man and woman as the pinnacle of His creation. Now, He says, everything is very good.


Teaming with life and bursting with beauty

Beauty. Fruitfulness. Each day an extension of yesterday’s friendship with God. No knowledge of pain. No conflict between man and wife, humankind and God. Trust and peace. Wholeness and well-being. Unhampered joy. Unhindered life.

This, this is what we were made for. This was God’s design.

Not what I see in this hospital room.

Not what we see all around us today.

Not life as we know it in this sin-ravaged world.

When mistrust of God and self-exaltation came on the scene, everything changed. Absolutely everything. (See Gen 3.)

Creation itself groans under its “bondage to decay” (Rom 8:21). Thorns and thistles. Death and desolation. Predators and Prey. Famine, drought, natural disasters. And we, the masterpieces of His Creation, we cannot escape this broken existence either. No matter our position or status or story, we all know the pain of living here.

But it will not always be so.

Because a Deliverer came to our rescue.

The Creator became as the created.

The One who holds our universe together stepped into our brokenness and lived among us.

He knew our pain. He faced our battles. He bore our shame.

He chose the cross and took our sin – the very cause of all this heartbreak in the first place.

The Holy One waged war on sin and death. And He won.

The victory has been decided. Jesus is the Champion. And soon, we will know the full reality of all He accomplished that day at Calvary.

Someday God will restore His creation. He will deliver us from this fallen world. He will usher in a new heaven and a new earth where we, His own, will be with Him forever. In our new home, there will be no more death or pain or sickness or tears. He will make everything new.

And so, as I sit here in this hospital room, I take comfort. As I read the news and feel the heartbreak of each new tragedy, I find hope. This fleeting existence is not all there is. Someday, everything will be made right.

Our Deliver is coming. Come quickly, Lord Jesus!


Come quickly, Lord Jesus!

How do you comfort your heart in times of suffering and pain? I’d love to hear!

(If you want to know more about a relationship with this Deliverer, please check out In Case You’re Wondering.)

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What’s So Good?

I Quit!

A Dose of Encouragement




When Dreams Lie Dormant

When Dreams Lie Dormant

It’s a crazy journey, this thing called life.


When Dreams Lie Dormant

As a kid, I always knew what I’d be when I grew up. My earliest memories include listening to recording artist, Sandi Patty. I loved her voice. I knew her songs. I joined her kids’ club. She was living my dream. Someday, I would be the next Sandi Patty. I took voice lessons, piano lessons, guitar lessons. I studied French (though only for a year), so I’d be prepared for a college music major.

But then life changed. The path that had seemed so certain all my life suddenly turned a different direction. I sensed God leading me away from my dream, as I heard Him whisper to my soul, “That dream is all about you, about making a name for yourself.” He gently reminded me that this walk of faith is about making His name known, and not my own. He asked me to give Him my dream, like a sacrifice on the altar of love.

More than anything, I wanted to walk with Jesus. But just where He was leading, I couldn’t quite tell.

Little did I know how characteristic of “real life” that change of events would be. Proverbs 19:21 says, “Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails.”

That has proved true over and over again in my life. Sometimes it’s really painful. Dreams don’t die easily. But you know what I’ve learned?

  • Through it all, God is good.

That sounds cliché, and overly simplistic. But really, that’s the beauty of it. Life can be so complicated, so confusing, so disappointing, so painful. But in the midst of everything, God simply remains the same. Steadfast. Immovable. Good.

  • I can trust Him with my dreams.

While God didn’t made me the next Sandi Patty, He did lead me to Life Action Ministries, where I traveled as a singer for three years. I even got to participate in a few CD projects. And best of all, I met my hubby there. We haven’t lived happily ever after, but we’ve learned what love is – a deep companionship that weathers the storms together, an abiding friendship that echoes the heart of God. No, life hasn’t turned out the way I planned, but it has been better.

  • When God takes something away, He gives back more of Himself.

God’s Plans for Good

Sometimes the things we hold onto are substitutes for God Himself, and they are poor replacements for the real thing. Ultimately, they leave us empty and unfulfilled, because God alone satisfies the human soul.

What about you, dear friend? What dreams lie dormant in your heart? How have you found Him to be trustworthy? What has He revealed to you about Himself? Please join in the conversation – I’d love to hear your story!

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Redefining Success, Part 1

Redefining Success, Part 2

I Quit!

“I quit!”


Some people are just born determined. Once their minds are set, they have every intention of following through. Obstacles are mere opportunities. Giving up is not an option. They are productive. They are successful. They are…amazing.

I’ve always admired such people. Because I am not one of them. Oh, how I wish persistence came naturally to me. But alas, it does not. Consistency, tenacity, perseverance – God is forming these qualities in me, yet through blood, sweat and tears.

Maybe that’s why the following verse is so precious to me.

“And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue His work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns” Phil 1:6.

Our God is not a quitter.

What untold comfort that gives to my heart, because it means that becoming like Jesus is not up to me. This is God’s work. And He never gives up. He will finish what He started.

Sometimes I get off track, or side-tracked, or just plain tired and I don’t feel like pressing on. I’m weary of the battle against the flesh and sin just looks easier.  But God is faithful. He is committed to forming Christ in His children – more committed than any human could ever be. Patiently, persistently, passionately conforming us to His image.

But there’s another priceless facet to this verse. Just as God works relentlessly in me, He is tirelessly working in the lives of those I love. My husband. My children. My brothers and sisters in Christ. What He has started in their hearts, He will bring to completion.

So instead of panicking if they make wrong choices (as I often make), I can rest assured that God will not leave them alone. If they give up, God will not give up on them. With confidence, I can pray to the Father who loves them even more than I do. I am free to be patient as He works in their lives, even as God is patient with me.

This work of walking with Jesus, of growing in grace and knowledge, of producing the fruit of the Spirit – it is God’s work. With tireless devotion, with patient persistence, with wisdom and power and grace, God is creating beauty in the lives of His own.

Rest assured, dear child of God, you will never be given up on. There is always hope, because the God of hope is committed to you. And that person you love – God loves them immeasurably more than you do. He will not abandon the work He began.


How does God’s patience with you impact your view of yourself? Your relationships with others?


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Be Patient

Redefining Success, Part 1

Redefining Success, Part 2



Fly Like an Eagle!

I wonder if it’s too late to back out? I don’t think I can do this…

My fingers clutched the cargo net with a death grip. I forced my feet to keep climbing. Up, up I went until I reached the platform where our zip line tour would begin. I felt my breathing accelerate as I fought back a panic attack. I am terrified of heights! What on earth have I gotten myself into?


I looked over at Hubby and asked, “You know I love you, right?” He perceived my unspoken meaning – I’m doing this because I love you. I would totally back out right now if it was up to me! He smiled his approval and support.

My husband loves adventure. He enjoys the thrill of adrenaline that comes from doing ridiculously dangerous stunts, which he assures me are completely safe (like riding rollercoasters!) Me? I find quite thrilling the safety and security of keeping my feet on the ground, thank you very much. (I do realize this makes me a very boring companion at amusement parks!)

However, around Christmastime I got this brilliant idea that I should buy Hubby and myself zip line tickets. I would be brave. And he would be proud. And we would have fun. It all made sense at the time. But as I climbed to the first of eight platforms, I began to question my sanity at Christmastime.

When my turn for the first zip arrived, I focused on the next platform and refused to look down. I dared not hesitate. I stepped off the platform and sailed through the air. And guess what? I survived! Each zip got easier. That is, until the grand finale – 1000+ feet long, over the racing river and through the woods. I started to panic again as I picked up speed. But halfway across, I realized – I had a bird’s-eye view of some pretty amazing scenery. It was the thrill of a lifetime!

But I almost missed it, because of fear.

It made me think about my life in general. How often do I cling to safety and security when God calls me to step out in faith, and soar – above fear, above mediocrity, above the worries that hinder me from running after Jesus with reckless abandon? “Those who trust in the Lord will renew their strength; they will soar on wings like eagles…” (Is. 40:31 HCSB).


Here are a few thoughts I learned on the zip line:

  • Though I had wanted for years to experience a zip line, that desire alone could not have conquered my overwhelming fear of heights. But love did. I love my husband and wanted to give him this shared experience. The power of love is stronger than the power of fear. When we experience the depth of God’s love, fear loses its power over us. We are free to follow Him out of reciprocal love. (See 1 Jn 4:18.)
  • I was not alone. My husband was right there – either going ahead, standing beside or coming up behind. Similarly, we never face fear alone. The God of angel armies is constantly with us. (See Ps 46:1-3.)
  • I trusted my equipment. Logic reminded me that this company wouldn’t be in business unless they had taken necessary precautions to ensure my safety. In the spiritual realm, we know that our God has given us everything we need for life and godliness. He is trustworthy. Where He calls us, He will sustain us. (See 2 Pet 1:3.)

I discovered (much to my amazement) that a zip line is pretty thrilling. But nothing compares to the thrill of experiencing life with Jesus. May we refuse to settle for the path of least resistance. May we step out in faith wherever He calls and know the joy of soaring with Jesus!

How about you? Where Is God calling you to step out in faith today? Is fear holding you back?

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