Taming the Tongue

Taming the Tongue

Sometimes I just can’t control my tongue.

It was not a good day. For whatever reason, we were just off. I was irritable and impatient. I found myself correcting every little infraction, every childish noise. The more I corrected, the more frustrated I became. And the more my kids acted up.

After snapping at one of my children, I realized I needed help. This downward spiral was not going to improve without divine intervention.

“Lord, please help me control my tongue!”

As I whispered the prayer, the following verse came to mind: “…What you say flows from what is in your heart” (Luke 6:45b, NLT).

My shoulders slumped. If restraining my tongue is a difficult job, changing my heart is impossible. I’ve tried unsuccessfully to do it for many years.

Discouragement gave way to hope, however, as I remembered God is more than able to do just that. His power is infinitely greater than my sin. In love, He pointed out the root of my tongue troubles, not to condemn me, but to show the deeper level on which He wants to work (see Romans 8:1 and 1 John 1:9).

“Lord, change my heart, so love and grace can flow out of me.” My prayer had changed, just as my heart was changing.

Are you struggling to control your tongue today? Be encouraged. God is willing and able to change the heart out of which your mouth speaks. Here are some things to keep in mind:

  • Recognize the root

Ask God to show you the root of your struggle. I’ve realized I become most irritable when I feel out of control – like when the house is a mess and company is coming over and I can’t keep my kids focused on their chores. Or when I just want the day to run smoothly so I’m not inconvenienced or made uncomfortable.

  • Pray for heart change

God wants to deal with sin, not merely on the behavior level, but at its core. Once we realize why our tongues are out of control, we can pray for heart change in those specific areas. We’re also more equipped to recognize these heart issues early on, before our tongues take control.

Last week, I became increasingly frustrated during a family chore time. God reminded me that I didn’t have to control the situation, that if my friends arrived before the house was clean, it was okay. As I surrendered to His control, my heart calmed down and my tongue stayed in check.

  • See the good

As parents, it’s easy to focus on things in our kids’ lives which need correction. While correction is essential, our children also need abundant affirmation and praise. They need us to notice their effort, to applaud them for making the hard choice to do right, to affirm the work of God we see in their lives. They need to know we are for them. That we love them and enjoy them and would choose them out of all the kids in the world. God can help us see the good He wants us to affirm in our kids – we just have to ask Him.

The tongue may be impossible to tame, but our God is able to do the impossible. As we allow Him to change our hearts, we’ll notice a drastic change in our tongues, as well as in our parenting.

This Changes Everything

This Changes Everything

“Look! The virgin will conceive and bear a Son, and they will call Him Emmanuel, which means ‘God with us’” (Matt 1:23) NET.


Those three words astound me.

For thousands of years, God had been worshiped from afar. His holiness stood in stark contrast to mankind’s sin. A thick veil separated His earthly presence in the temple from those who approached Him.

Until Emmanuel.

His arrival changed everything.

The Eternal One stepped into time and wrapped Himself with humanity. The Creator became one of us. The King who controls armies, who sets up and tears down nations, that King made His first appearance in an unceremonious stable.

And such would be His life – a homeless Miracle Worker, a traveling Teacher, a King rejected by His own people.

He came not impress us, but to save us. Not to condemn us, but to restore friendship with God.*

He came to do what we could not do – to keep the Law of God, and die as if He hadn’t. To taste death for us, then render it powerless so we could be set free.

He came to tear the veil that separated a holy God from His people, and to make us holy, too.

This is Emmanuel – a God so in love with His people that He would walk among us, know our pains, experience our emotions, and die in our stead.

And He beckons us, even today as we celebrate His birth, to draw near to Him as well.

As we give and receive gifts this Christmas day, may we remember the greatest Gift of all time. And may we offer ourselves back as a gift to Him.

Merry Christmas!


This changes everything

* If you’re curious about how to begin a relationship with this Jesus, please check out In Case You’re Wondering.

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Thanksgiving in the Midst of Failure

Thanksgiving in the Midst of Failure

Well, hello there. Me again. It’s been a while, I know.

old-letters-1082299_1280Life has kind of gotten away from me lately. I’ve not made much time for writing over the past few months, despite many great intentions.

So, guess what’s on my heart today?


Not much of a Thanksgiving theme. But hang with me and I’ll get to the thanksgiving part.

We all wear a variety of different “hats.” Mine are labeled wife, mommy, friend, sister, daughter, church member, writer, homeschool instructor, cook, housekeeper, menu planner…It’s pretty crazy, trying to keep all those hats on at one time. So, I guess it’s normal to feel like a failure from time to time.



But sometimes those feelings get overwhelming, at least they do for me. I can throw a really good pity party. I’m sure the devil loves when I do that. He pitches in his own accusations, along with my feelings of condemnation. It’s a miserable place to be.

I hit one of those places last week.

But thank God, He didn’t leave me there. With overwhelming grace, He reminded me of the following verses:

“He who began a good work in you [and in my loved ones] will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus” (Philippians 1:6).

“…My Word… will not return to Me empty without accomplishing what I desire and without succeeding in the matter for which I sent it” (Isaiah 55:11).

“Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up” (Galatians 6:9).

“For it is God who is working in you [and in my family], enabling you both to desire and to work out His good purpose” (Philippians 2:13).

“If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you” (James 1:5).



“So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand” (Isaiah 41:10).

How beautiful is His Word – just what I needed in those moments. Like a balm to my weary soul. Like a new set of glasses giving me the bigger picture.

Along with those verses, God reminded me that:

  • This Christian life, our ministry within our families, our interactions with those around us…it’s all His work. We are tools in His hand – loving, serving, teaching, praying, pouring out our lives for one another. But the results are up to Him. He is the heart-changer and the miracle-worker.
  • He enables us to live out our callings, yet He doesn’t condemn when we fall short. He understands our weakness, and is ever so patient. In fact, He’s not planning on us being perfect until we get to heaven. Growing, changing, becoming more like Jesus – yes. But perfect – not yet. Oh, how that knowledge comforts my heart!
  • He gives us each other. Sometimes I think we underestimate the importance, the sheer necessity, of the Body of Christ. During recent “down” days, God brought along sisters to encourage me. They listened as I poured out my heart. They spoke truth to my soul. One of them even brought me chocolate (always a bonus). They lifted this weary traveler back to her feet and put my eyes back on Jesus.

How much, how very much, we have to be thankful for! Sometimes we just need to remind our souls of the truth.

What kind of season are in, fellow Jesus lover?

Are things going well, your heart overflowing with the goodness of the Lord? I join you in praising Him for His kindness.

Are you discouraged, maybe even feeling like a failure? May He meet you with the blessings of His Word, His presence and His Body.

We have much for which to give thanks, in each and every season.

During this Thanksgiving week, for what are you most grateful? Please join the conversation – I’d love to praise Him with you!


Always give thanks

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By Meredith Mills


“You can’t deny that one’s yours!”



That was the comment we heard as my husband carried our littlest into the church where he would be speaking later that morning. It’s true – she definitely bears his image. In fact, I’ve been told she’s the female version of him as a child. There’s something really special about seeing ourselves in our children.

It’s pretty amazing, this image-bearing business.

Even more amazing is the fact that we bear our Heavenly Father’s image.

In the beginning, God set out to make humanity as a reflection of Himself. He wanted creation’s climax to resemble Him. And they did.

But then sin entered the picture. The pinnacle of creation, the creatures after His likeness, the first man and woman chose the one thing God had forbidden. And God’s image in mankind was distorted.


God’s image was distorted.

Instead of reflecting His purity, they were infected with the nature of sin. This new nature would be passed on to every human ever born (with the exception of the God-man, Jesus).

Instead of reflecting God’s eternal nature, their spirits died instantly and their bodies began the fatal process of aging.

Instead of reflecting God’s sacrificial heart of love, they became self-protective and accusatory, pointing fingers to conceal their guilt.

Instead of uninhibited friendship with God and each other, they felt the pangs of shame, so they covered up and hid from God.

At that decisive moment, everything changed.

Well, not everything.

The relentless, unfailing love of God stayed the same. And His sovereign plan still reigned supreme.

For you see, all was not lost. His image was defiled, but it was not destroyed. Repeatedly in the Old Testament, God reminds us that humanity still bears His image. In fact, that’s the basis for how we’re to treat one another – we all carry His likeness, so we’re to honor each other as fellow-image bearers.

Yet His image was marred, so He would fix that. He would not leave us this way.

In the greatest recovery mission of all time, the Son of God stepped into our world – in human flesh, yet exactly representing the Father. He lived and died and rose again – all to redeem a people made in His image. All to restore His true likeness in mankind.

That’s us, fellow Jesus lover! We’ve been made in His image at conception, reborn with a new nature at salvation, and are being transformed into a true picture of our God!

He can be seen in us in so many ways…

  • When we love that difficult person, we look like our forgiving Father.
  • When we endure the hardships of this life, we model our Suffering Savior.
  • When we enjoy the good things He’s given, we show the world a Daddy who delights in His children and loves giving good gifts.
  • When we engage in our professions, we reflect various aspects of His character. He’s our Parent, Teacher, Healer, Counselor, Helper, Leader, Judge, Creator, Designer… Whatever we do on a daily basis, God’s image can be seen in us.

That gives so much meaning and purpose to my daily life. Wiping noses, cooking meals, teaching children, cleaning up messes, putting thoughts on paper, building relationships – it all can be a picture of God. It’s an overflow of His image in me.

Every person looks like God to some degree or another. But those redeemed through faith in Christ – we can become more like Him each day as we participate in His Spirit’s work in our lives.

I don’t know what a heavenly reception looks like, but how awesome would it be to wake up in the arms of our Daddy and hear whispers going through the crowd – “We can’t deny that one’s His! She looks so much like Him!”

Oh, how I want to look like my Daddy! How about you?


Transformed into His image

How do you reflect God’s image in your daily life? In what ways have you seen Him transform you? I’d love hear!

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A Good, Good Father

A Good, Good Father

A frantic scream broke the afternoon stillness. I immediately tried to diagnose the sound – my littlest was either angry or hurt. Following the direction of the crying, I found her in her daddy’s arms. He was carrying her toward the bathroom where he would wash and dress the cut she’d received when her foot was under the door she tried to close.

She was crying hysterically, writhing against the strong arms that held her.


She was in pain.

She was mad.

She was afraid.

She didn’t want to be carried by the “doctor.” She didn’t want him to clean it. And she certainly didn’t want a Band-Aid. (Unlike most kids, she seems to think Band-Aids contribute to her pain.)

But despite her efforts to resist, her daddy did what was best for her. He cleaned and doctored the little cut, all the while assuring her of his love.

After she calmed down, we had a heart-to-heart talk. I asked her the following questions –

“Do you trust your daddy? Does Daddy take good care of you? Does he love you? Protect you? Want the best for you?” She answered yes to each question, slowly realizing that her daddy’s actions had come from his love for her.

As we talked, I was struck by how very much this child is like her mother. I often respond to my heavenly Daddy in similar ways.

I get angry when life hurts, as if the pains of this human existence are His fault.

I sometimes pull away when He draws me close for comfort.

I doubt His intentions – His love and His goodness.

I’m afraid of His efforts to cleanse, heal and protect.

I want to leave the pain alone, instead of submitting to His cleaning, healing hands.

As a mother, I saw my baby girl’s situation so clearly – her daddy loves her and would do what was best for her, not matter how she fought him. And yet it could have been a moment of tender comfort and affection, if she had trusted her daddy’s heart.

As a follower of Jesus, I want to trust His heart.

It’s a matter of faith.

“…I took them up in My arms. But they did not realize I was the one who took care of them. I led them with kindness and love. I was to them like a person who lifts a little child to their cheek. I bent down and fed them” (Hosea 11:3-4).

“The Lord your God is in your midst, a mighty One who will save; He will rejoice over you with gladness; He will quiet you by His love; He will exult over you with loud singing” (Zeph 3:17).

“And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose” (Rom 8:28).

“’For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future’” (Jer 29:11).


The One who takes care with kindness and love.

He is a good, good Father. His intentions toward us are kind (see Eph 1). He heals and gives restoration. He brings beauty out of ashes. He creates mosaic masterpieces out of broken, shattered lives.

All He does is good.

I want to trust Him. I choose to trust Him. Will you?

How do you remind your heart of truth when doubts flood your soul? Do you have a favorite Bible verse that comforts and reassures you in times of pain? Please join the conversation! I’d love to hear!

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