Let’s Go Back: Returning to Rest when Life Won’t Slow Down

Let’s Go Back: Returning to Rest when Life Won’t Slow Down

And just like that, summer is over.

Summer vacation, that is. The heat is forecasted to stick with us for a while yet. The kids are back to their studies and our weekly routine is becoming more…routine.

swimmers-79592_1920I’m not sure what happened to the lazy days of summer, but we didn’t see many of them this year. All three kids swam on our neighborhood swim team and had a blast. A six-times-a-week blast. Then our son started cross country with one, then two, now three practices a week. There were other activities as well, like VBS and STEM camp and playdates.

While the kids were busy, I spent a lot of time writing and even tackled a few painting projects. Our summer was definitely full.

But as the school year approached and I went into prep mode for our homeschool and co-op, I realized life was about to get even busier.

Not going to lie – I’ve had a few meltdowns trying to keep up with everything. One night I jolted awake, gasping for breath as I realized I was in the middle of a panic attack. It seemed strange, because I wasn’t mentally worried about anything. Yet the emotional stress of trying to juggle all my responsibilities was taking its toll.

The irony of my current writing project has not escaped my notice. I mean, really. I’m writing a book on soul rest. It seems I may have picked the wrong topic.

Until I remember that I’m writing it because I’m learning it.

Rest is on my heart because God’s teaching me to rest it in the middle of our everyday crazy. Things may not slow down, at least not for long. But Jesus’ invitation to “come rest” remains unchanged in each life season.

Here are a few things He’s teaching me on this crazy, busy road:

  • Soul rest takes returning

“Return to your rest, my soul, for the Lord has been good to you” (Psalm 116:7). In the busyness, it’s easy to become unsettled. To grow restless when life feels out of control or when our insides are knotted up for one reason or another.

Living from a heart of rest requires a choice – a conscious decision to cling to faith over feelings, to let God draw us back to Himself as our Source of peace.

  • Soul rest has a Source

The psalmist found rest in remembering God and we can, too. Right in the middle of life’s crazy, without waiting for things to calm down, we must remind our hearts of who God is:

  • He is abundantly good, even when life isn’t.
  • He responds to my prayers.
  • He is gracious, compassionate, and faithful.
  • He is infinitely powerful.
  • He’ll never call me where His grace won’t sustain me.
  • He’s already provided, in Jesus, everything I need to live the life to which He’s called me.
  • He loves me unconditionally and welcomes me to come running – freely, boldly, to Him.
  • He is, and always will be, for me.

The bottom line, I’m learning, is that soul rest is a walk of faith.

Whether I’m sitting at His feet in prayer or driving my kids to yet another lesson or practice, I can rest fully and freely in my relationship with Jesus. He never changes and His definition of me is constant, too.

When you know you’re relentlessly loved and fully accepted, life gets a whole lot easier.

That is the reality for every follower of Jesus. Will you join me in resting in this truth today?

How do you practice soul rest? I’d love to hear – please comment below to join the conversation! Or click here to join my email group and receive access to all the Bible Study printables in my free resource library.

returning to rest

One-on-One Time

One-on-One Time

We call it “One-Oh Time” in our house.

My littlest coined the phrase a while back. In was her baby-talk way of asking me to spend “one-on-one time” with her. We laughed at the cute expression, but it stuck. Now we all use the term for our special mommy-and-me times.

Our kids need more than training and discipline. They need us.

We started this practice of one-on-one time a few years ago during a particularly frustrating parenting season. My days were spent correcting and instructing, yet the negative behavior continued. My husband suggested that maybe our kids needed some focused alone time with me – just the two of us having fun together.

Sure enough, it made a world of difference. Contentment settled in. Each child seemed to come alive as I joined him or her in doing things they love to do.

Our kids need more than training and discipline. They need us. They need to be reminded that we love them, that we enjoy spending time with them, that we think they’re really special – no matter how they behave.

Having fun together is a great way to help them remember.

Here are some tips for spending one-on-one time with our kids:

  • Let them choose

I don’t particularly love LEGOS – I’m a bit clueless when it comes to creating masterpieces from tiny bricks. But all three of my kids love playing with them, so LEGO building is a frequent choice for our times together. Sometimes we read books (my favorite). Other times we color or play a game. They all love the chance to pick our one-on-one activity.

  • Unplug

My phone is a frequent distraction. To eliminate the problem, it’s helpful to put it somewhere away from our hang-out spot. Text messages and notifications can wait. Putting our devices aside communicates to our kids that they are our priority.

  • Focus on the relationship

Whatever activity they choose, these alone times are a beautiful way to deepen our friendship with our kids. Ask open-ended questions. Talk about what’s going on in their lives. Point out things you love about them.

As we invest in our kids through focused time together, we model the heart of our God who takes great delight in His kids.

When Depression Moves In

When Depression Moves In

What happened to my joy?

The question tugged at the corners of my soul as I trudged through each day. A dark cloud hovered over every waking moment. And sleep? That was a struggle, too. I had one bed-wetter and another child with night-terrors, so the sleep I did get was often fragmented and restless.

How I hated mornings. I dreaded facing a new day.

How can I be a good mom when I feel so sad, so weary, so…depressed?

(For the rest of the story, hop over to CBN where I’m sharing today about my walk through depression and the hope I’ve found along the way.)

As always, I’d love to hear your thoughts and welcome you to join the conversation by leaving a comment below.

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When I Forget…God is Faithful 

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Slowing Down

Slowing Down

Saturday is our family’s favorite day of the week.

From Sunday through Friday, we’re busy with school, work, church, sports, music, playdates, and the general busyness which accompanies family life.

But on Saturday, we take a breath.

waffles-2190961_1280 We eat waffles for breakfast and the kids listen to radio adventures on a local Christian station. Most Saturdays, very little gets done until at least lunchtime. Sometimes the whole day is “unproductive” (as far as my to-do list is concerned).

But in reality, a lot happens on Saturday.

Not easily measured, the benefits of the day are experienced on the soul level. Our kids travel to faraway lands on imaginary explorations. My husband and I have time to just talk. I catch up on snuggles with my littlest and she often joins me in spending time with God.

On occasion, life redirects our Saturday routine. A swim meet or birthday party may call us away from home. Some Saturdays are as full as the rest of the week. But in general, we protect the day like any other appointment on our calendar.

Because Saturdays keep us going and refill us for the week ahead.

In our busy culture where productivity is king, our bodies and souls cry out for rest. We aren’t designed to toil endlessly day after day. Rest is a gift from God, often stolen from us by the tyranny of the urgent. Yet our Creator invites us to be still and breathe and savor the things which feed our souls and enrich our lives.

Here are some thoughts on making room for rest:

  • Put it on the calendar

Routines vary from family to family and from one life season to another. An entire day may be impossible to block off in your week. Brainstorm as a family some ways you can carve out times of refreshment and togetherness. Whatever you decide upon, make sure to schedule it on your family calendar.

  • Be creative

I have a friend whose family does pizza and a movie at home every Friday night. At the end of a long week, it’s a great way to unwind and enjoy being together.

If your family likes to play games, you could declare one night of the week or month as “family game night.”

Reading aloud is also a great way to relax together. Our current favorite is The Green Ember series.

Look for family outing opportunities. We recently loaded everyone in the minivan and drove for an hour without telling the kids where we were going. Anticipation mounted as we neared the zoo for an after-hours members’ night. We had a blast watching animals that aren’t normally active during the day as we savored unhurried moments together.

Too quickly these days are becoming memories. Let’s make time for rest as we enjoy the people entrusted to us by the Giver of all good things.

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A Matter of Focus

A Matter of Focus

Sometimes I get distracted.

Sunday night, hubby came home from a week-long business convention in Pennsylvania. We stayed busy while he was gone – the big kids went to STEM camp each day, our littlest enjoyed several play dates with her besties, and I wrote lots and lots of words. When the weekend rolled around, we were all more than ready for Daddy to be home.

Except that I wasn’t ready when he got home.

alyson-mcphee-499812-unsplash.jpg Dinner wasn’t done. The bathroom deep clean that had exploded into our bedroom wasn’t… well, cleaned up. The laundry sat where I’d left it, waiting to be put on hangers and hung in the closet.

How I wanted everything to be perfect when he walked in the door. But alas, real life got in the way.

And guess what? He didn’t care.

He just wanted to be with us. To hear about our week and tell us about his. To snuggle up close and enjoy the evening together.

As I bustled about the kitchen trying to hurry the cooking along, I remembered the story of another woman with whose life I so often relate.

Now as they went on their way, Jesus entered a village. And a woman named Martha welcomed him into her house. And she had a sister called Mary, who sat at the Lord’s feet and listened to his teaching. But Martha was distracted with much serving. And she went up to him and said, “Lord, do you not care that my sister has left me to serve alone? Tell her then to help me.” But the Lord answered her, “Martha, Martha, you are anxious and troubled about many things, but one thing is necessary. Mary has chosen the good portion, which will not be taken away from her” Luke 10:38-42.

I so get Martha! She loved Jesus and wanted everything to be perfect for Him. That meal in the oven was an expression of her affection. She longed to make Him comfortable, to help Him feel at home.

Yet all Jesus wanted was her.

Her heart, her focus, her devotion – not shown through works done in His name, but through responding to His loving pursuit.

In contrast to restless Martha, there sat Mary — the picture of a quiet heart.

Yeah, there were unfinished chores to be done. But Jesus had arrived, and she had to be near Him.

Serving from a distance just would not do.

If He was sitting in the living room, that’s where Mary wanted to be. If He went to the dining room, you’d find her there. If He walked outside, she’d join Him there, too.

Mary was preoccupied with Jesus.

The Bible mentions this Mary several other times – once at Lazarus’ tomb, where she brought her grief to Jesus just before He raised her brother from the dead, and again at a dinner party, where she anointed His feet with expensive perfume as an act of worship*.

In both scenarios, Mary went where Jesus was. She loved Him and needed Him, so she ran to Him with zero hesitation.

Oh, God, give me such a heart! May I never be content with days full of service yet absent of connection with You. Teach me to cultivate Your presence, both in my “daily quiet times” and in middle of my everyday crazy. servicewithoutconnectoin

How about you? How do you practice the presence of God? In what ways do you cultivate a quiet heart? I’d love to hear – please leave a comment below!

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Rest For the Restless

On Rest and Quiet Time

*John 11:32, John 12:1-3